In countries where governments are weak and not capable of providing social services, the use of markets to build inclusive societies is becoming a common practice that can present an alternative for building a sustainable future in the region.
English: In this insightful article, Felipe Symmes delves into the concept of Impact Inclusion in Latin America. Highlighting the role of market mechanisms in generating positive societal impacts, especially in regions with weak governmental support, Symmes discusses how leveraging markets can offer an alternative path towards building inclusive and sustainable futures.
Spanish: En este artículo revelador, Felipe Symmes explora el concepto de Inclusión de Impacto en América Latina. Destacando el papel de los mecanismos de mercado en la generación de impactos sociales positivos, especialmente en regiones con un apoyo gubernamental débil, Symmes analiza cómo aprovechar los mercados puede ofrecer un camino alternativo hacia la construcción de futuros inclusivos y sostenibles.
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